Explore The World of Mano Majra...

Section 3: Pages 90-116

In this section, it was extremely hard to make connections to my life due to the fact that the storyline and plots present in this particular section are out of the norm. This section is faced with violence, crime, loneliness, lying, and so much more. However, I was drawn to the fact that the events that unfolded in this section were raw to the core and could be easily related to modern society. 

When Malli teases Iqbal in to prison cell and infuriates Iqbal, a series of violent actions come forth. I instantly thought of a documentary I watched on BBC two summers ago about women in prison. I cannot recall exactly what it was called but it feature a group of six women who have all convicted different crimes and they were struggling with finding peace with each other. One woman recalled to tensions within a prison cell that were violent. What shocked me was that women could be so violent. As I read this section, I was even shocked by how violent Iqbal was to Malli, though they were rough men. The way the author portrayed the beating was barbaric and very frightening, the same emotions I had felt when I watched the documentary.

The conversation between Iqbal and Jugga was very intriguing. Jugga asks Iqbal about his sexual encounters and escapades with women, a little too personal for two people who hardly know each other. Iqbal is immediately thrown off at the intrusion of privacy and declares that all Indian men care about sex. I related this to modern society and modern day's perception on sex. It is evident that sex runs rampant in so many societies today. You see in ads, on television, within communities... Teenagers these days are having sex at earlier ages than before and it is almost as if women are objects nowadays for most people. Both Jugga and Iqbal lie about their sexual feats which says a lot about what kind of people they are and how being sexually experience is considered a good thing. The two go out of their way to lie about experiences that they have never had before and this shows how even back then, they want other people to believe they are sexually experiences as if it is something to be extremely proud about. You can see this everyday in modern society. Even in high school, boys congratulate each other if they do something with a girl. There is definitely no wonder why women believe that sex is constantly plaguing mens' minds.

Another connection I made was the description of India's corruption in government and political standing. The police and the government easily brainwashed and dictated the nation. I made this connection with the government in Korea. The Korean government is very corrupt and controlling. Though I know very little about it, I get most of my knowledge from my parents who are strongly against our government. Since the last presidential election, i discovered all the scandals, cheats, and unfair rules that the government has imposed on the nation. The government has taken over major news channel and websites filtering any harmful or radical ideas that the people might want to share with the rest of the nation. Comments on simple websites such as youtube must be registered to an address and social security number just in case any wrongful words toward the government are released. The people rarely have the freedom to express their concerns and thoughts. Though I know that some of these are a bit one-sided, I am speaking solely from what I have heard from various adult citizens of South Korea - all of which feel the same way towards the government.