Explore The World of Mano Majra...

Critical Review

The after thoughts...

“Mistakes are the portals of discovery”. 

In life, we experience failures. Everyday, we are humiliated, embarrassed and corrected. But through these mistakes, we learn to become better and stronger against these mistakes. When we see mistakes and see other people being humiliated or corrected, it is human instinct that we become aware of this embarrassment and learn from their mistakes. Train to Pakistan was a book that was like that person. Reading Train to Pakistan was like seeing someone embarrass themselves and experiencing the consequences with that person. The book Train to Pakistan was not only inspiring and written well, it has exposed the cruelty of the real world and clearly depicted the consequences of poor decision making. Saying the book is well-written is a false statement because the book was not written well. It was written in a fashion in which it cannot be properly evaluated on a literature standard. Train to Pakistan is deep and excellent on a philosophical standard. The message it held and the language is evident. Arthur Lall, the former ambassador and permanent representative from India to the United Nations, politely rounds up the language of the book.

“If this novel were to be submitted today as an unpublished manuscript, I believe a half-dozen publishers would readily accept it. Its intrinsic qualities as a fine novel grip the reader.”

 Train to Pakistan has warm and realistic language that clearly depicted the harsh conditions of civil war period India. The vivid and intriguing language shows how love and revenge create a story like no other, the sense of community, and the insolence of heroism. Train to Pakistan was an excellent book and most importantly, a very fun and dynamic novel. The amount of recommendations can reach stars for this particular novel.