Explore The World of Mano Majra...

Iqbal: The Man with No God

"He could be Muslim, Iqbal Mohammed. He could be Hindu, Iqbal Chand, or a Sikh, Iqbal Singh" (Singh 35)

Iqbal is also one of the main protagonists of the book. From the cities, Iqbal is a social worker and is educated in Europe. Iqbal's last name is never mentioned in the book but he considers himself to be atheist. The purpose of Iqbal's visit to Mano Majra is to survey the area for the government. However, he automatically notices the disrespect he receives and the corruptness of the town, ruled by the Police. After looking around and touring the village for about 2 days since his arrival, he is arrested by the Police. However, instead of treating him with respect, the Police do not justify the reason for the arrest nor do they treat the government personal with any respect. Iqbal is a smart and rational character who desires change in anything that seems to be wrong, which causes him to protest and request their boss.

Iqbal played by Rajit Kapoor in the theatrical release of Train to Pakistan. (courtesy of IMDB.com)