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The India-Pakistan Conflict

The India-Pakistan War of 1947 is also known as the First Kashmir War. The war started in october 1947 when the Kharajah of the state of Kashmir and Jammu was pressured into complying to either Pakistan or India, the newly independent states at that time. Tribal forces encouraged by Pakistan took charge and attacked Maharajah and occupied it. This forced the state to sign an agreement to the accession of India. The UN was then invited by India to settle this dispute. The war finally ended in December 1948 with the Line of Control dividing the state of Kashmir into territories administered by Pakistan and India. The partition of the Subcontinent led to severe rioting and population movement as Muslims, Sikhs and Hindus found themselves on the wrong side of the partitioned states. As a result, the latter of these became known as East Pakistan. About 500,000 people died in from violence as millions became homeless. 
By August 1947, the partition date, the ruler of Kashmir and Jammu had not decided which dominion to join.Even today, more than 50 years later, Pakistanis still believe that the two states should have become part of Pakistan because the majority of the state's population is Muslim.